"186. Covet"

Story :-  

In the heart of a bustling city, amidst the towering skyscrapers and the ceaseless hum of urban life, there lived a cat named Oliver. Oliver was no ordinary cat. He was a sophisticated feline, with a taste for the finer things in life.

Oliver was always impeccably dressed, with a wardrobe that would put any human fashionista to shame. He owned a collection of designer clothes, shoes, and accessories, and he was never seen without his signature pair of sunglasses.

One day, Oliver was walking down the street when he spotted a beautiful woman carrying a designer handbag. Oliver was immediately smitten with the bag, and he knew that he had to have it.

Oliver followed the woman for several blocks, until she finally stopped at a cafe. Oliver waited patiently outside, watching the woman as she enjoyed her coffee.

When the woman was finally ready to leave, Oliver made his move. He jumped onto the table, knocking over the woman's coffee and spilling it all over her clothes. The woman was furious, and she started to scream at Oliver.

Oliver took advantage of the commotion to grab the handbag and run away. He ran as fast as he could, with the woman chasing after him.

Oliver managed to escape, and he returned home with his new prize. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep that night. He spent the entire night admiring his new handbag, dreaming of all the places he would go and all the things he would buy with his newfound wealth.

The next morning, Oliver woke up to find the police at his door. The woman had reported the theft, and the police were looking for the thief.

Oliver was terrified, but he managed to hide the handbag before the police arrived. The police searched the apartment but couldn't find anything.

Oliver was relieved, but he knew that he couldn't keep the handbag forever. He decided to return it to the woman, but only if she promised not to tell anyone about what had happened.

The woman agreed, and Oliver returned the handbag to her. The woman was grateful, and she thanked Oliver for returning her property.

Oliver walked away, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He had gotten what he wanted, but he had also done the right thing. He was a cat with a conscience, and he knew that it was important to do the right thing, even when it was difficult.