"136. Siblings"

Story :-  

In the heart of an ancient, mist-shrouded forest, a group of spectral figures roamed. Five in total, they moved through the trees with an eerie grace, their translucent forms shimmering in the moonlight. Four were identical, cloaked in swirling white sheets that obscured their features. They were inseparable, moving as one, their laughter echoing like wind chimes in the still night.

The fifth figure stood apart, a stark contrast to the others. Clad in a flowing crimson robe, it moved with a regal air, its hood casting a deep shadow over its face. This was the Crimson Ghost, the leader of the spectral siblings.

Legend whispered that the Crimson Ghost was once a mortal, a powerful sorcerer consumed by his thirst for knowledge. In his pursuit of immortality, he had performed forbidden rituals, tearing a hole in the fabric of reality. In doing so, he had unleashed a terrible curse upon himself and his loved ones, dooming them to wander the spectral realm for eternity.

The four white ghosts were said to be the sorcerer's children, bound to their father's fate. They had been mere infants when the curse fell upon them, their lives stolen before they could truly begin. Yet, they found solace in each other's company, their bond unbreakable even in death.

Together, the Crimson Ghost and the spectral siblings roamed the forest, their presence a haunting reminder of the sorcerer's tragic tale. Some said they were harmless, their spectral forms merely echoes of a forgotten past. Others whispered of their malevolent intentions, claiming they sought to drag unsuspecting souls into their ethereal realm.

Whatever the truth, the Crimson Ghost and the spectral siblings remained an enigma, a mystery shrouded in mist and moonlight. Their presence in the forest was a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked beneath the surface, a chilling reminder that even in the most tranquil of settings, there could be shadows waiting to consume the light.