"120. Noboru"

Story :-  

In the shadowed valleys of feudal Japan, where the wind whispered secrets through the ancient trees, a ninja of unparalleled ferocity and mystery emerged. Known as Kaede, this ninja was feared and revered in equal measure. Draped in a blend of midnight blue and obsidian black, Kaede's attire allowed him to melt into the darkness, becoming a ghostly figure that haunted the nightmares of his enemies.

Kaede's striking red eyes were his most distinguishing feature, glowing with an eerie intensity that pierced through the darkest nights. These eyes were a constant reminder of his tragic past and the pain he endured. Betrayed by those he trusted, Kaede had been left for dead in a brutal ambush that claimed the lives of his family. Consumed by vengeance, he vowed to hunt down those responsible and make them pay in blood.

As he trained in the hidden arts of the ninja, Kaede's rage became his strength. He mastered the katana, shuriken, and the deadly art of shadow warfare. His movements were as silent as the grave, and his strikes as lethal as a serpent's bite. Yet, it was the sight of his own blood, ever-present from self-inflicted wounds, that unnerved his enemies the most. Kaede believed that his pain kept him grounded, his wounds a constant reminder of his mission.

Kaede's first target was a powerful daimyo named Noboru, who had orchestrated the betrayal. Noboru's fortress was a sprawling labyrinth of stone and steel, guarded by elite samurai and surrounded by treacherous terrain. Undeterred, Kaede infiltrated the fortress under the cover of a stormy night, the rain masking his approach and washing away the blood that seeped from his wounds.

Inside the fortress, Kaede moved like a phantom, dispatching guards with ruthless efficiency. Each encounter left a trail of blood, a testament to his relentless pursuit. The crimson droplets mingled with the rain, painting a gruesome tableau that spoke of his unwavering resolve.

As he neared Noboru's chambers, Kaede encountered a squadron of the daimyo's finest warriors. A fierce battle ensued, the clash of steel ringing through the halls. Kaede's red eyes blazed with fury, and his katana danced through the air, a blur of death and destruction. Despite the pain that wracked his body, he fought with a savage grace, driven by the memory of his lost family.

Finally, he stood before Noboru, who awaited him with a mixture of fear and defiance. The daimyo's eyes widened as he beheld the blood-soaked ninja, his red eyes glowing with a malevolent light. Noboru knew that there would be no mercy, no reprieve from the vengeance that had come for him.

Kaede's voice was cold and unyielding as he spoke, recounting the betrayal and the lives it had cost. Noboru's pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears, and with a final, swift strike, Kaede ended the daimyo's life. The fortress, once a symbol of Noboru's power, now stood as a silent witness to his downfall.

With Noboru dead, Kaede's quest for vengeance was far from over. He continued his hunt, tracking down each of the conspirators who had played a role in his family's demise. His path was marked by blood and tears, a relentless journey that took him to the darkest corners of Japan.

The legend of the Crimson Tears spread far and wide, the story of a ninja with red eyes and a bleeding heart, who exacted justice with a blade of vengeance. Kaede's pain, once a source of torment, had become his greatest strength, fueling his unyielding pursuit of those who wronged him.

In the end, Kaede's mission was not just about vengeance, but about reclaiming his humanity and finding peace in a world that had shown him no mercy. His story became a cautionary tale, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is a light that guides the way—a light fueled by the indomitable spirit of a ninja who bled but never bowed.